Tag : Presence Films

Team Rio’s Keith Melton is a former business academic, turned writer based in Brazil. Keith created a unique character for the Day One series, former SAS commando, Phillip Monroe. Flight Phillip Monroe is on a flight to New Zealand with his Brazilian Rugby team when mayhem breaks out. The possessed of ‘Day one’ are among […]

Team Africa’s Ebuka Okparauzoma is a Nigerian based writer and the first in Africa to be published for the Sentient project. His work is disciplined and addresses contemporary and cultural themes within Nigeria. Post the decision to change the story from the Journey of the seeds model to ‘Sentient’, (employing the Walking Dead model), Ebuka drafted […]
This post proposes the biggest change in direction in the history of the Journey project. It can empower the global team and get the project into production in 2015. Some of you won’t like it. Development so far Four months after publishing the first of the series bible posts, we’re still answering questions on the basics of […]

The series bible reveals the arc of the entire story. Parts one through five introduced the major players and big picture. Part six explores the pitch and the two streams of story that flow from the inciting incident. In this post Development so far Keeping it simple Two streams of story The sponsorship model Development so far Skip […]
This week the Journey will be issuing Campaign Veteran Stamps, and Leaderboard points to reward those who have given so much to the development of the project in 2104. We’ll publish new winners each day until Christmas. Honor roll update In 2015, we’re shifting the Honor roll over to our Campaign Veterans’ Pinterest board. This will allow […]
Poll results Thank you for voting. The Title fight is now on. Your mission is to create a new title, designed specifically for the cable TV series of the Journey. Brief Prepare your ideas for a new title. DO NOT submit them until the call for submissions. You will be notified by email and social media […]
Kudos Thanks so much to the team members who shaped the work so far. Part five is a summary based on your input. Intro The Series Bible explains the foundations of the story. Whilst the posts reveal the big picture to the team, the audience will only ever see a riddle wrapped in an enigma. […]
What would you do if you knew you couldn’t be caught? Australia is stunned by the events of Day One. Seven billion people have succumbed to an indescribable terror. Contact with the world is lost. A day before, the Australian people voted for change of government but that was then and this is now […]
Hail good fellows and gentle Ladies, well met. The Journey’s visit to the St Ives Medieval faire last weekend provided a chance to promote author, Carol Baauw’s new book ‘Lagharn’ and to explain to our fans the difference between Carol’s books and the TV series being developed. You at the faire Spot your photo in the […]
Good morrow, noble ladies and squires. The Journey travelled to the St Ives Medieval faire last weekend to meet and greet fellow Journeyers. Spot your photo in the slideshow below? Register to become a Journey member and we’ll grant you a special 25 point bonus on our Leaderboard and send you a digital download of the shot. […]