Position | User | Hero points |
1 |
David Steinhoff - Head of Development (Wavager) |
435,824 |
2 |
Joseph DiFrancesco - Screenwriter (joseph) |
155,350 |
3 |
Craig Delahoy (delahoc) |
86,225 |
4 |
Ebuka Okparauzoma - Screenwriter/Director/Creative Producer. (ebuka) |
83,002 |
5 |
David Nerlich (davidn) |
66,765 |
6 |
Dale Sumner - Composer (dale) |
60,667 |
7 |
Carol Baauw (chedwyn) |
52,260 |
8 |
Hugh 'Obi' O'Brien -Senior Military Advisor {former Clearance Diver, TAG (east) operator} (obi) |
52,185 |
9 |
Dr. Michael Dowd - Navy reservist - Medical advisor to Sentient (mdowd) |
50,220 |
10 |
Keith Melton (captaincobbler) |
49,170 |
11 |
Nikita Ivanenko (troll) |
46,666 |
12 |
Jule Rustemeier - Ph.D. Science advisor (jule) |
45,905 |
13 |
Geoff Dupuy-Holder - Screenwriter (geoffd) |
44,760 |
14 |
Deddy Tzur - EP, Composer, China liaison (deddy) |
42,425 |
15 |
Hazel Short (hazelnut) |
42,424 |
16 |
Trefor Davies (trefdavies) |
41,999 |
17 |
Petra Caramela - Composer / Performer (petracaramela) |
37,944 |
18 |
Dr. Craig Cooper - Writer - Science consultant (CC) |
35,735 |
19 |
Naira Gevorkyan - Screenwriter (naira) |
32,705 |
20 |
filmit filmit (filmitproductions) |
19,445 |
21 |
Neec Nonso - writer, photographer and poet (neec) |
18,785 |
22 |
Jeff Bernstein - Composer (jeff) |
18,515 |
23 |
Aaron Latina - Composer (aaron) |
18,370 |
24 |
Craig Stone – Classical Mad Scientist (craigs) |
17,595 |
25 |
Harley Woods - Problem solver (harley) |
17,285 |
26 |
Daniel Garcia (danielg) |
16,100 |
27 |
Sean Thomson (godsofeden) |
14,495 |
28 |
Amanda Asquith (ajstarr) |
14,080 |
29 |
David James Nielsen - Composer (davidj) |
13,965 |
30 |
Nathan Macdonald (fatboy) |
11,695 |
31 |
Davin Eastley - Mathematician - Finance and Philosophy Graduate - Writer (davin) |
11,415 |
32 |
Selina Kucks a.k.a. Sketa (selina) |
11,370 |
33 |
Philip Feinstein (philip) |
10,750 |
34 |
Mardi Edge - Actor (mardi) |
9,940 |
35 |
Leo Lawrence (leo) |
9,505 |
36 |
Benjamin James - Actor (benjaminj) |
9,050 |
37 |
Jasmine Moton (jasminemoton@yahoo.com) |
8,620 |
38 |
Shane Rodrigo (steviepunch) |
8,525 |
39 |
Andrew Nemeth (emzy) |
8,265 |
40 |
Chase Victoria - Actor / Songwriter (chase) |
7,740 |
41 |
Felino Dolloso (agila) |
7,280 |
42 |
Tanya Braunovic - Actor (tanya) |
7,210 |
43 |
Natascha Szabo - Actor (natascha) |
7,045 |
44 |
Alex Soliven (Alexdarkfire) |
6,945 |
45 |
Mike W. Rogers - Screenwriter - Ancient cultures consultant (mikew) |
6,540 |
46 |
Michele-Antonio Mattiuzzi - Actor / Producer (michele) |
5,625 |
47 |
Adam Coutts - Video Rocks The Radio Star (adamc) |
5,395 |
48 |
Christian Stamm (sunwarrior) |
5,310 |
49 |
Sarah Whereat (sarahwhereat) |
5,020 |
50 |
Janette Fowler (janette) |
4,920 |
51 |
Jason Williamson - Camera operator (jason) |
4,915 |
52 |
Liam Kelly - Crew - 1stAD (liamk) |
4,640 |
53 |
Elizabeth Leigh (lizleigh) |
4,060 |
54 |
Anthony Vercoe - Screenwriter (avercoe) |
3,720 |
55 |
Roderic Byrnes (apollo) |
3,575 |
56 |
Eliza Kelley - Actor/Producer (elizakelley) |
3,515 |
57 |
Jennifer Seeley (jseeley) |
3,360 |
58 |
Janet Shay (janetshay) |
3,270 |
59 |
Hugh Sainsbury - New Writer and amateur surgeon (hughs) |
3,145 |
60 |
Miguelito Acosta - Art and Technology (miguelito) |
3,050 |
61 |
Jimmy Everett - Athlete - Model - Parkour candidate (jimmy) |
3,030 |
62 |
Christine Diefenbach - Actor (christine) |
2,860 |
63 |
Carol Landis - Actor - USA (Carol Landis) |
2,860 |
64 |
Benni Knop - Supervising Sound Editor & Re-Recording Mixer (benni) |
2,820 |
65 |
Nicole Verhoeven (nicole) |
2,740 |
66 |
Jayde Williams -Make up artist (jayde) |
2,695 |
67 |
Amber Kinghorn - Writer (amberk) |
2,630 |
68 |
Rafael Tavares (arcraphael) |
2,620 |
69 |
Jon Cohen (jdchen1976) |
2,560 |
70 |
Vanessa Moltzen - Actor (vanessam) |
2,550 |
71 |
Scott Pope - Gaffer (scottp) |
2,515 |
72 |
John Servedio - Sound recordist (johns) |
2,490 |
73 |
Emily Wade - Crew - 2nd AC/Grip (emilyw) |
2,440 |
74 |
Daniel Lillford (daniell) |
2,390 |
75 |
Anthony Littlechild - Cinematographer (anthonyL) |
2,375 |
76 |
Harry Leather (leathered) |
2,310 |
77 |
James Bolton - Actor (jamesbolton) |
2,275 |
78 |
Hannah Palmer - Crew - Focus puller (hannah) |
2,170 |
79 |
Jillie Simon (jillie) |
2,155 |
80 |
Maria D'Urso (scribe01) |
2,140 |
81 |
Nicholas Bennett (nicholasbennett) |
2,135 |
82 |
Brendan Tolley (brendan) |
2,125 |
83 |
Yasmine van Wilt (yasminevanwilt) |
2,125 |
84 |
Ashlee Jensen (ashlee) |
2,120 |
85 |
Jorge Humberto Hoyos - Actor (jorge) |
2,115 |
86 |
Ryan Rikic - Camera operator (riketz) |
2,110 |
87 |
Nicholas Bufalo (nick) |
2,085 |
88 |
PJ Peter James Holt (pj) |
2,075 |
89 |
Raul Ribeiro (raul) |
2,040 |
90 |
Natalia Blajievskaya (blajievskaya) |
2,015 |
91 |
Jean Claude Ricquebourg - Actor (jeanclaude) |
2,000 |
92 |
Dakeno Mark (dakeno) |
1,945 |
93 |
Alvin Acain - Artist (alvin) |
1,945 |
94 |
Akira Bradley (akira) |
1,895 |
95 |
Marta Fergusson - Global Music Business Professional/Entertainment Industry Entrepreneur (marta) |
1,875 |
96 |
Kahli Williams (kahli) |
1,825 |
97 |
Achille Brice - Festival Director (achille) |
1,825 |
98 |
David Beamish - Actor (davidb) |
1,820 |
99 |
Reagan Browne - LA based Singer Songwriter (reagan) |
1,820 |
100 |
Paco Paquito Hernaci - Actor/Writer (paco) |
1,815 |
101 |
Peter Flaherty (peterdenisflaherty) |
1,815 |
102 |
Wendell Kinney - Actor (wendell) |
1,775 |
103 |
Ashley Avci (ashley) |
1,770 |
104 |
Marcel Miller - Actor / Producer (marcel) |
1,770 |
105 |
Kylie Riddle (kylier) |
1,765 |
106 |
Martin Grelis (mart) |
1,735 |
107 |
Carma Sharon - Actor (carma) |
1,730 |
108 |
Cheo Tapia - Actor (cheo) |
1,725 |
109 |
Christoffer L. Jonsson - Actor (christoffer) |
1,725 |
110 |
Carolyn Owen (carolynowen) |
1,710 |
111 |
Luke Quinton (lukeq) |
1,700 |
112 |
Kerry McKie (kerry) |
1,685 |
113 |
Laura Tipper - Actor (laurat) |
1,670 |
114 |
Jacob Roanhaus - Suit Performer (jacob) |
1,660 |
115 |
Hardy Awadjie (hawadjie) |
1,640 |
116 |
Ray Sinclair (rays) |
1,635 |
117 |
Andrew Bernard - Actor/ presenter / coach. (andrewbernard) |
1,630 |
118 |
T.W. Reed - Actor (tw) |
1,605 |
119 |
Sarah Jane Kelly - Actor (sj) |
1,600 |
120 |
Angelika Heeg (Angelika-Heeg) |
1,590 |
121 |
Dominique Maber (dominiquem) |
1,585 |
122 |
Vyacheslav Novikov - Motion Graphics and Computer Animation (vyacheslav) |
1,580 |
123 |
Derek Stephen McPhail (stephenmcp) |
1,555 |
124 |
Starleigh Caldwell - Actor (starleigh) |
1,550 |
125 |
1,550 |
126 |
Daniel Sobieray (daniel) |
1,540 |
127 |
Yibain Emile Aime Chah (yibain) |
1,520 |
128 |
Dr. Nicholas Hope (nicholas) |
1,515 |
129 |
Amber Gokken (amber) |
1,500 |
130 |
Olivia Rose Solomons - Actor (olivia) |
1,470 |
131 |
Rosie Pekar - Paranormal Profiler (rosie) |
1,470 |
132 |
Anita Marelic (anitamarelic) |
1,450 |
133 |
Kristen Almer - Sponsorship Consultant (kristen) |
1,445 |
134 |
Carl Blacklidge - Marine Coordinator (carl) |
1,420 |
135 |
Claudia Altavilla - Screenwriter (claud) |
1,385 |
136 |
Alexandra Bard (alex) |
1,375 |
137 |
Jac Bowie (jacbowie) |
1,375 |
138 |
Daniel Joseph Del Valle - Actor (dj) |
1,370 |
139 |
Claudia Greenstone - Actor (claudia) |
1,365 |
140 |
Tamara Violet Partridge - Composer and sound design (tamarav) |
1,355 |
141 |
Alan Lovell (alan) |
1,345 |
142 |
Guy Griffin - Screenwriter (gg) |
1,340 |
143 |
Chantal Aytes (cadma) |
1,340 |
144 |
Kimberly Packard (KimberlyPackard57) |
1,330 |
145 |
Melissa Hanes (mella) |
1,325 |
146 |
Philip Sedgwick (azscribe) |
1,325 |
147 |
Alexey Barkhatov (alexey) |
1,320 |
148 |
T J (tj) |
1,320 |
149 |
Sherif Azmey (shrifazmy) |
1,290 |
150 |
Hannah Dawson Professional Actor Nominated and Won Best Actress (hannahdawson) |
1,260 |
151 |
Michael Jiao - Team China - Bilingual VFX coordinator, junior compositor & tracker, data wrangler (mjiao) |
1,245 |
152 |
Thibul Nettle (stinga) |
1,230 |
153 |
Khal Tarabay (khal) |
1,225 |
154 |
Richard Woodie Mister - Entrepreneur (woodie) |
1,220 |
155 |
Will Gabriel (FREE-WILL) |
1,170 |
156 |
Rhyahn Brock (rhyahn) |
1,155 |
157 |
Sergiy Kostyshyn - VFX-artist and CG supervisor (sergiy) |
1,155 |
158 |
Victor Maloney - Artist (victorthylacine) |
1,150 |
159 |
Michael Bentt - Actor (michaelb) |
1,140 |
160 |
Manuella Christina Munhoz (ManuMunhoz) |
1,130 |
161 |
Jesus Perez Teira - Executive Producer Spain (jesus) |
1,125 |
162 |
Steve Syson (steves) |
1,125 |
163 |
Sarah Psihogios (sarahp) |
1,120 |
164 |
Wayne Bassett (wayne) |
1,080 |
165 |
Sean McBride (loboiha) |
1,075 |
166 |
Kent Marcus (kent) |
1,070 |
167 |
Jace Lee (jace) |
1,055 |
168 |
Karl Jenner (digitalrealm) |
1,040 |
169 |
Lukasz Lowkis (Lukasz Lowkis) |
1,035 |
170 |
Danniella Markovic - Actor (danniellam) |
1,025 |
171 |
Andy Dodd - Storyboard Artist (andy) |
1,020 |
172 |
Virginia Higgins (ginny) |
1,010 |
173 |
Raymond Holycross (Ray) |
1,010 |
174 |
Wendy Lee Taylor (wendyleetaylor) |
990 |
175 |
Anisio Vaz (anisiovaz) |
967 |
176 |
Sefi Carmel (seficarmel) |
965 |
177 |
Daniel Bruce (danielbruce) |
960 |
178 |
Neville Radovic (jocus) |
955 |
179 |
Joao Costa Menezes - Actor / Director (joao) |
935 |
180 |
Patrick Healy - Writer (patrickh) |
930 |
181 |
David Nicoll (davidnic) |
915 |
182 |
Daniel Michaud - Gaffer (danielm) |
900 |
183 |
Tarni Street - Screenwriter (tarni) |
900 |
184 |
Jacqueline Smyth (illumedbeauty) |
890 |
185 |
Krystle McGill - Presenter (krystle1) |
890 |
186 |
Gary Dressler - Actor (garydressler) |
875 |
187 |
Stephanie Recking (stephanier) |
865 |
188 |
Frances Baldasarro (Frances Baldasarro) |
860 |
189 |
Andy B. Casagrande IV - Cinematographer, Producer & Wildlife TV Host (andyIV) |
855 |
190 |
Joseph Tabano - Actor (josepht) |
855 |
191 |
Mark Leuschner (uav) |
855 |
192 |
Mick Preston - Actor (mick) |
850 |
193 |
Randy Roberts (randy) |
840 |
194 |
Marina Makarova - Composer (marina) |
840 |
195 |
Josh Daniels - Actor (josh) |
835 |
196 |
J.J. Osborne - Actor (jj) |
835 |
197 |
Cam Smeal - Filmmaker (cam) |
835 |
198 |
Marcelo Trevino - Composer (marcelo) |
835 |
199 |
Kyle Rowling (kyleoftheseeds) |
835 |
200 |
Maria Ferreira - Screenwriter (mariaf) |
830 |
201 |
Katie Uhlmann - Actor (katieu) |
830 |
202 |
Stephanie Basile (Stephanieb) |
825 |
203 |
mark vasconcellos (mvasconcellos) |
825 |
204 |
Kelly Langley (kellylangley) |
820 |
205 |
Babushka Ferenczi - Actor, Model, Dancer (babushka) |
820 |
206 |
Ange B (ange) |
820 |
207 |
Darvin Dela Cruz - Stunt performer/ fight choreographer (darvin) |
820 |
208 |
Janelle Nicholls (janelle) |
820 |
209 |
Irina Penn (Irina) |
815 |
210 |
Sara Castro (sara) |
810 |
211 |
Matt Coombe (matt) |
810 |
212 |
Felp Scott (felp) |
800 |
213 |
Scott McConnell - The Story Guy (scottmc) |
800 |
214 |
Heidi Schooler (heidischooler) |
795 |
215 |
Mitch Connolly (mitch) |
790 |
216 |
Anastacia Vorobyeva (anastacia) |
790 |
217 |
Courtney Bridges - Actress (courtney) |
785 |
218 |
Dee Deng (Hirehive) |
780 |
219 |
Michelle Berka (michelle) |
780 |
220 |
WhiteShadow (whiteshadow) |
780 |
221 |
Leah Bourne (leah) |
775 |
222 |
Pip Edwards (pip) |
775 |
223 |
Marissa Gillham - Actor (marissagillham) |
770 |
224 |
David Holmes (holmesy) |
770 |
225 |
Peter Chenoweth - Noosa International Film Festival (Peterc) |
770 |
226 |
Darren Wall (darren) |
770 |
227 |
Vanessa Lang - Model and Extra (vanessalang) |
765 |
228 |
Boriana Williams (rwbs04) |
765 |
229 |
Lana Kristensen (lana) |
760 |
230 |
Suzana Purkovic (suzana) |
755 |
231 |
Udulele John Oriwo - Composer (john) |
750 |
232 |
Peter Schindelhauer - Actor - Stunt performer (wheelman) |
745 |
233 |
Brett Walter (brettw) |
745 |
234 |
Katheryn Swann - Producer (katheryn) |
740 |
235 |
Kyle Smith - Award winning screenwriter (kylesmith) |
735 |
236 |
Kreg Monson - CFO (kreg) |
735 |
237 |
Jennica Hill (jennica) |
735 |
238 |
Tyrone Bruinsma - Filmmaker (tyrone) |
735 |
239 |
Desiree Vogelsang - Hair and Make up (desiree) |
730 |
240 |
Inna Bagoli (inna) |
730 |
241 |
Cassandra Hepburn (cassandra) |
730 |
242 |
Nik Schodel (nik) |
725 |
243 |
Anthony Murphy - Equity finance / Structuring (murph) |
725 |
244 |
Rod Harris - Journalist (rod) |
725 |
245 |
Daniel Mattos -Video Editor/VFXCompositor (mattosdani) |
725 |
246 |
JB Casacop (jabo) |
725 |
247 |
Nathan Wishart (nathanw) |
725 |
248 |
Sabine Strong - Actor/Model & Production Assistant (sabine) |
725 |
249 |
V (victoria) |
720 |
250 |
Anna Hartog (annah) |
720 |