Sentient Series – Writers’ guide

Tanya Howard - Actor


The Writers’ Guide is our protocol. Use the protocol. Without the protocol, cats marry dogs and all hell breaks loose.


Schedule a Skype video meet with the Head of Development to ensure you start on the right track.

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This is not a short haul.

Completing a Pilot requires significant effort. Completing a season is a Herculean task. Getting it right requires a genius.

You may not be a genius but if you’re smart, you’ll learn to tap the collective intelligence of the community to shape the work into something we can produce.


How do you wish to contribute?

Character creation

Do you have an idea for a character that explores theme and whose values are in conflict with the other characters?

Specialist research

Are you a specialist who can act as an advisor to our team?

As a Script reviewer

Read and give your review.

As a Script Doctor

Read and make recommendations.

A Sentient Pilot

Do you have a unique idea for a city/regional story with a unique protagonist whose journey will explore the theme?

A Season

Are you a master writer with a vision for the big picture?

Regions and languages

Writers can create a unique version of Sentient for any city, state, region or country in the world.

Write it in your own language but we will require an English version, (so you may need to team up with a good translator).

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Read the reference material linked to this page.

Ensure you are on-track and writing a Sentient story.

Step Guide

Sentient.TV Step Guide

Format Guide

Format Guide

Shared Reference

Sentient - Shared Reference Material

Character Template

Character profile template

Pilot Formula

Pilot Formula

Dialogue Guide

Guide to writing great dialogue

Coming soon 

Guides including, the season overview, series overview, exploring theme through the conflict between your protagonist and nemesis and the series reveal and message.

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Collaboration and controversy – A guide to rights and usage

The work you contribute may shape a character, a storyline or an element of design.

You may write an element, a character, a draft or an entire season.

After being commissioned to contribute, we award you points on the Leaderboard. This represents your share of the intellectual property in the work.

Whether we use the content or not, you keep the points and the revenue they may generate.

Sometimes getting it wrong, helps us to get it right. Generally speaking, getting it right, gets it right.

The work you create joins the body of the Sentient work.

When this happens, some elements of your work may be added to our Shared Reference material for use by other writers on the Sentient Series.

We do this to create a uniform story that employs the best content.

The strength of the franchise depends on creating the same inciting incident, addressing the same themes and delivering the same message in every story. If your story strays from that, it needs approval in writing from Presence.

The protagonist, nemesis and characters in each region’s story will be different.

In some cases, you may come up with some pretty good ideas but your story-craft may not good enough to complete the final draft of a work.

In other words you may get bumped in order to create a polished draft that works.

Don’t take that personally.

No one likes being replaced but we owe it to the whole team to ensure the very best work possible.

Regardless you keep the points and revenue entitlements from sale.

You also keep script credit provided you have completed at least one third of the content leading to the final draft script.

Do not submit work unless you understand and agree that elements may be used by the team in other Sentient scripts.

Finally, the work we create is for use on the Sentient story. The origin story was created by Presence Global Entertainment.

The origin concept can be employed by the whole team to create unique city or regional stories however any work undertaken must be commissioned by Presence Global Entertainment and must be employed solely on the Sentient TV project.

If you submit content, you submit on those terms.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Head of Development. We would be delighted to answer any questions.

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