
Full name

Guy Griffin – Screenwriter

First name





How did you find us?

Linkedin and Steiny


Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

About me

I am courageous; and I seek challenges. I am a tough-minded, independent and daring thinker who likes to explore ideas or problems thoroughly. I focus easily. I am persistent, systematic and competent in pursuing my interests and goals. I am also assertive; and I enjoy the opportunities my hard work wins. I have a lot of energy. I think quickly, make decisions more easily than most, dislike unnecessary rules, and take a rational approach to people, issues and ideas. I don’t often enjoy “small talk.” I am generally not interested in pleasing boring people and I gravitate to men and women who are intellectually exciting and get to their point quickly during conversations. I am not conventional in most of my attitudes and values. I tend to be irreverent and pragmatic and I like spontaneous people. I can be an exciting, yet hard driving and exacting, friend and companion.


Quotes that inspire

“These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.” – Obi Wan