Vera or Samantha – Shoot

Vera or Samantha - Day One

Roderic Byrnes - Writer - Journey development team

Original concept 

By Roderic Byrnes

Synopsis: Day one of the apocalypse hits and a father must decide which daughter to save

Original concept
Pinterest board

A horizontal squiggly thung
Development meeting at Lovesac

Development meeting at Lovesac, Sydney 

David Nerlich’s Motion graphics’ work 

Daniel Byrnes - Markarit Yazician and Tony Vercoe

Daniel Byrnes, Markarit Yaziciyan and Tony Vercoe

Development meeting - Dec 2013

Development meeting at Lovesac, Sydney


Krystle-McGill- Join Journey of the seeds

Mark-Vasconcellos - Donate to Journey of the seeds

Vanessa-Bristow - Contact Journey of the seeds


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